1. B-I-N-G-NO
2. The Blunder Years
3. The Permanent Punishment
4. The Great Escape
5. Brother-in-loss
6. The Big Uneasy
7. Jokers Playhouse
8. Elevating the Game
9. Bigger in Texas
10. Puncture Perfect
11. Parks & Wreck
12. Hopeless and Changeless
13. The Coward
14. Below the Belt
15. Bathroom Break
16. The Dream Crusher
18. The Taunted House
19. The Good, the Bad, and the Punished
20. Whose Phone is Ringing?
21. In Poor Taste Buds
22. Hellcopter
23. Nationals Disaster
24. Dark Side of the Moon
25. Statue of Limitations
26. Wrapper's Delight
27. Smushed
28. Human Piñata
29. You're Cut Off
30. Toasted
31. Bidder Loser
32. Pseudo-Sumo
33. Brow beaten
34. Fe-Mail
35. Everything's Just Rosie
36. Water Torture
37. All the Wrong Moves
38. Uncool and the Gang
39. Training Day
40. Welcome to Miami
41. Not Safe for Work
42. Stripped of Dignity
43. Ruffled Feathers
44. Ash Clown
45. Captain Fatbelly
46. Centaur of Attention
47. Dog Days of Bummer
48. Virtual Insanity
49. Tooth and Consequences
50. Heckle and Hide
51. Joke and Dagger
52. British Invasion
53. Live Punishment 100th Episode
54. Nitro Circus Spectacular
55. Swim Shady
56. Cruisin' for a Bruisin'
57. Lady and the Tramp
58. Brother of the Sisterhood
59. The Parent Trap
60. The Chairman
61. Catastrophe
62. Scarytales
63. Vampire Weakened
64. Stare Master
65. Footloose
66. A Legendary Fail
67. X Man
68. Hitting the Wrong Note
69. Medium, Well Done
70. Wrong Playwright
71. The Butt of the Joker
72. Deal with the Devils
73. Takes the Cake
74. Drum and Drummer
75. Tied and Feathered
76. Field of Screams
77. Stuffed Turkey
78. Blind Justice
79. Crickets
80. Stage Fright
81. Laundry Day
82. Mime and Punishment
83. Junk in the Trunk
84. Three Men and Your Baby
85. Damned If You Do
86. The Q-Pay
87. Up Loser's Creek
88. Rubbed the Wrong Way
89. Baggage Shame
90. Flatfoot the Pirate
91. Quantum Mock-anics
92. Remember the Pact
93. Spider Man
94. Silence of the Lame
95. The Walking Dread
96. The Lost Boy
97. Take Me Out at the Ballgame
98. Just Say No
99. The Party Crasher
100. Make Womb for Daddy
101. Putting the P in Pool
102. Snow Way Out
103. Sneaking Number Twos, Going Number One
104. Car Sick
105. Dover and Out
106. The Marathon Man
107. Guilty as Charged
108. No Good Deed
109. G.I. Jokers
110. Stripteased
111. Indecent Proposal
112. Turning the Tables
113. Lords of the Ring
114. No Child Left Behind
115. Pulling the Rug
116. Speech Impediment
117. Card Against Humanity
118. Bull Shiatsu
119. The Running of the Bullies
120. The Needy and the Greedy
121. Washed Up
122. To Hatch a Predator
123. Like a Boss
124. Chick Magnet
125. Dropping Knowledge
126. Hump Day
127. Out of Left Field
128. Autograph Corrector
129. The Bogey Man
130. Hell on Wheels
131. Joker for a Day
132. Pay It Forward
133. Butterfly Crime Scene
134. Unmotivational Speaker
135. Drawing a Blank
136. Out of TP
137. Who Arted
138. Starfart Macchiato
139. Bellydancer
140. Pick a Loser
141. Supercuts
142. Elephant in the Room
143. Art Attack
144. Birds and the Bees
145. The Truth Hurts
146. Psychotic Not-Line
147. Get Out of Dodge
148. Out of Fashion
149. Scaredy Cat
150. Down in the Dump
151. Sweat the Small Things
152. Film Fail
153. The Alliance
154. Enter the Dragons
155. Sorry for Your Loss
156. Cyber Buddies
157. Trouble Shoot
158. Pantsing with the Stars
159. Crash Test Dummies
160. The Closer
161. Tipping Point
162. Full Mental Jacket
163. Blue Man Dupe
164. The Dumbbell
165. The Eggman
166. Cake Loss
167. The Antisocial Network
168. Off the Reservation
169. Fraudway
170. The Show Stopper
171. Sucks to Suck
172. Well...
173. The Prize Fighter
174. Sun-Fan Lotion
175. Urine Trouble
176. Irritable Vowel Syndrome
177. Bad Carma
178. Fast Feud
179. Toll Booth Corrector
180. The Paternity Test
181. The Shame of Water
182. Rock Bottom
183. It's Electric
184. You Dirty Dog
185. The Bachelor Party
186. Drive, Drive, Drive
187. Poetry Slammed
188. Pity in Pink
189. Smashing Success
190. Bleach for America
191. Space Oddity
192. OK Zoomer
193. The Prince and Me
194. Eric Andre
195. Jillian Bell
196. Colin Jost
197. Method Man
198. Chris Jericho
199. Adam Pally & Jon Gabrus
200. David Cross
201. Brooke Shields
202. Rob Riggle
203. Bret Michaels
204. Post Malone
205. Anthony Davis
206. John Mayer
207. Kesha
208. Paul Scheer
209. Kal Penn
210. Bruce Campbell
211. Blake Anderson
212. Bobby Moynihan
213. Kim Fields
214. Paula Abdul
215. Eric Andre Returns
216. Alf
217. Micheal Ian Black
218. Harvey Guillen
219. Joey Fatone
220. Roy Wood Jr.